Terms of use
LICENSOR: SALAZAR SOLUÇÕES EM TECNOLOGIA DA INFORMAÇÃO LTDA., legal entity of private law, inscribed in the corporate roll of taxpayers (CNPJ/MF) under no. 19.615.295/0001-39, headquartered at São Leopoldo - RS - Brazil.
Before you sign up and acquire a No Boss Technology's product for your own purposes, please be aware and agreed with the terms of use described below. At using one of our products, we assume you have agreed with these therms.
We reserve the right to modify these terms at any time without any previous notice.
For comprehension and interpretation of the meaning and scope of the clauses present in this instrument, follow below definitions whose concepts will be applied in an individual or correlated way:
- EXTENSION: it's understood as tools to be used as support for the development of websites and web applications.
- PRODUCT: extension, extensions package or a whole website or system solution.
- UPDATE: it's understood as the act of updating an given product to its new version, where this new version may contain new functionalities, resources and inconsistencies fixing.
- UPGRADE: it's understood as the act of the user acquiring a better plan, where this plan contains, for instance, additional resources and functionalities and a greater support time.
- LICENSE TOKEN: random code generated automatically for each extension that serves to control the use license. This code is used to establish communication between the extension installed on the client's website and the No Boss Extensions platform server.
- NO BOSS EXTENSIONS PLATFORM: Refers to https://www.nobossextensions.com.
No Boss Technology's Joomla! extensions use the authoritative GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 license only in the PHP files of the product.
Click here to read the full GPL 3 license
See below for additional information about the license to use No Boss Technology PRODUCTS:
- The GPL 3 license does not apply to CSS, Javascript and image files.
- The LICENSE TOKEN is unique per user and cannot be shared with other users.
- Only the PHP files of the purchased product can be shared and distributed under the GPL 3 license. Other files and the license token are expressly prohibited from being distributed.
- Distribution of No Boss Technology products in full (containing all files and license token) is expressly prohibited
- Only PHP files can be used as a basis for new development or distributed in full.
In the event of non-compliance with any of the items in the use license clause, No Boss Technology may cancel the product use license without prior notice.
A product license can have support limited to only one website address or be released to an infinite number of websites.
In order for a license to have support released to infinite websites, it is necessary to include this information in the plan's sales information. If the information is not included, the license will be considered limited to only one site.
Users can acquire No Boss Technoloy's products through the page of each product on No Boss Extensions platform at 'Prices and packages' section. At clicking to acquire a plan, the user will have to sign in or sing up to keep the proccess. In case of the product is free, it's enough that the user confirms the acquisition to receive through email the download link. In case of the product is paid, user will have to make the purchase and, after the purchase being confirmed, an email containing the download link will be sent. At the buying proccess, user can include additional services, such as the product installation performed by No Boss Technology's support team.
While the plan's support period is valid, user reserves the right to receive version updates for the products linked to this plan as they are released.
The user have access to informations about his current plan on 'License' tab, located on the administration of the product. While there are higher available plans, a notification will keep being displayed on this tab, allowing the upgrade of the plan.
The user can also control his license information in the customer area, available at nobossextensions.com/customer-area.
Technical support calls are made only through the customer area available at url nobossextensions.com/customer-area.
The response time for technical support vary from plan to plan. Different plan options can be seen at the 'Price and packages' section in the page of each product on No Boss Extensions platform.
No Boss Technology's products are developed to work in Joomla installation or as standalone system. Minimum required Joomla version is 3.9, while PHP's is 7.0.